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“The Best-2022” Futsal. Candidates for futsal player of the year: – Ravshan Eliboyev (Uzbekistan national futsal team and “BMB”) – Ikhtiyor Ropiyev (Uzbekistan national futsal team and “Jizzakh-Kenteks”) – Davron Choriyev (Uzbekistan national futsal team and “BMB”) – Husniddin Nishanov (Uzbekistan national futsal team and “BMB”)

A friendly match between the national teams of Uzbekistan and Kazakhstan will take place today. Before this match, the President of the Kazakhstan Football Federation Adlet Barmenkulov visited UFA and met with the first vice-President Ravshan Irmatov. Ravshan Irmatov expressed his satisfaction that efforts to develop a close neighborhood in football between our countries have 

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