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The national team of Uzbekistan participated in 7 Asian Cups and scored 42 goals.

Alexander Geinrikh is the best scorer of our national team in the Asian Cup. It has 6 goals.

Maksim Shatskikh, Eldor Shomurodov and Odil Akhmedov took the second place with 4 goals each, Mirjalol Kasimov and Ulugbek Bakaev – the third place with 3 goals each.

Timur Kapadze, Server Djeparov and Sardor Rashidov – 2 each, Igor Shkvirin, Oleg Shatskikh, Sergei Lebedev, Sergeiy Lushan, Vladimir Shishelov, Aziz Ibragimov, Pavel Solomin, Igor Sergeev, Vakhid Shodiev, Javokhir Sidikov and Jaloliddin Masharipov managed to score one goal each and another goal was scored by an opponent’s player.

Odil Akhmedov is the only player who scored in three Asian Cups (2011, 2015 and 2019).

Mirjalol Kasimov (2000 and 2004) and Odil Akhmedov (2011 and 2019) each scored the first goal of our national team in the Asian Cup two times.