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Today, the second round of the FIFA Futsal World Cup continued in Andijan and Tashkent.

First, at the Universal Sports Complex in Andijan, the teams of Libya and Kazakhstan faced off in Group D. In this match, Kazakhstan emerged victorious with a score of 4-1.

Next, in the Humo Arena in Tashkent, a match was held between Angola and Ukraine from Group C. Ukraine secured a dominant win with a score of 7-2.

In the evening session in Andijan, Spain faced New Zealand. The Spanish team achieved a significant victory, finishing the match 7-1 in their favor.

Another evening match at the Humo Arena featured Argentina against Afghanistan. Argentina managed to secure a hard-fought victory with a score of 2-1.

As a result, Argentina has amassed 6 points after the second round, securing their place in the Round of 16 ahead of schedule.