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At the regural meeting of the AFC Medical Committee were announced the owners of special medical awards of the Asian Football Confederation. The chief doctor of the Uzbekistan national team, Alisher Aripov, was awarded the “AFC Distinguished Service Award” (bronze) according to the AFC classification.

Chairing the 11th AFC Executive Committee meeting, AFC President Shaikh Salman bin Ebrahim Al Khalifa congratulated the QFA on their successful bid and also conveyed the appreciation of the Asian football family to the Football Association of Indonesia (PSSI) and the Korea Football Association (KFA) for their commendable proposals. Qatar are the reigning AFC Asian 

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The Uzbekistan U-16 team will hold the next training camp in November. The team of Jamoliddin Rakhmatullaev will play against the youth team of Russia on November 16-19. The games will be held in Tashkent. U-16. International friendly match November 16 Uzbekistan – Russia November 19 Uzbekistan – Russia