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Uzbekistan national futsal team will start the next training camp on November 2. The second part of the camp will continue in Rabat, the capital of Morocco. Bahadir Akhmedov’s team will take part in friendly matches with Moroccan futsal players. Games are scheduled for November 7-8. November 7 Morocco — Uzbekistan November 8 Morocco — 

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The Uzbekistan U-18 team will start the next training camp on November 20. The second part of the training will continue in Turkey. Our youth team will play with their Turkey in Antalya. The matches are scheduled for November 26-28. A talented young specialist Farhod Nishanov will be the head coach to prepare the team 

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The draw for the Asian Cup among players under 20, which will be held in our country in March 2023, has taken place. According to the results of the draw, the Uzbekistan U-20 team will play with Indonesia, Iraq and Syria at the group stage. In the official opening game of the competition, our team 

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