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“The Best-2022” Futsal. Candidates for futsal player of the year: – Ravshan Eliboyev (Uzbekistan national futsal team and “BMB”) – Ikhtiyor Ropiyev (Uzbekistan national futsal team and “Jizzakh-Kenteks”) – Davron Choriyev (Uzbekistan national futsal team and “BMB”) – Husniddin Nishanov (Uzbekistan national futsal team and “BMB”)

The Uzbekistan national futsal team  played a test match against the national team of Morocco as part of a training camp in Rabat. Morocco 4:3 Uzbekistan Goals: Sufiyan Charui 12′, 19′, Anas El Ayane 25′, Davron Choriev 26′, Ihtiyor Ropiev 28′, Sufiyan El Mesrar 37′, Khusniddin Nishanov 39′. We remind you that the next control 

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