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In accordance with Decree No. 195 issued by the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan on May 28, 2024 “On measures for the preparation and holding of the FIFA Futsal World Cup 2024” fans attending the FIFA Futsal World Cup, which will take place from September 14 to October 6 in the cities of Tashkent, Andijan, and Bukhara, will have access to free public transportation. This was announced by the press service of the Ministry of Transport of Uzbekistan.

Accredited participants and both foreign and local fans holding tickets for the World Cup matches will receive a 50 percent discount on train tickets.

Additionally, accredited participants and ticket holders for match days will be able to use city public transportation free of charge by presenting their accreditation cards or match tickets.

Moreover, from September 10 to October 10, four additional passenger cars will be added to trains operating on the following routes: “Tashkent – Bukhara,” “Tashkent – Andijan – Tashkent,” “Andijan – Bukhara – Khiva – Andijan,” “Andijan – Bukhara – Kungrad – Andijan,” and “Andijan – Termez – Andijan.”

Tickets for the FIFA Futsal World Cup can be purchased through the official website at