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On September 15, the second day of matches in the FIFA Futsal World Cup, held for the 10th time, took place.

Initially, at the “Universal” Sports Complex in Andijan, New Zealand and Libya faced each other. In this match, the representatives from Africa won with a score of 3:1, securing three points. Additionally, in the central match of the tournament, Spain and Kazakhstan ended in a draw — 1:1.

At the Humo Arena in Tashkent, tournament debutants Afghanistan achieved a 6:4 victory over Angola, earning three points.

In the final match of the day, Argentina defeated Ukraine — 7:1.

As a reminder, tomorrow, August 16, the following matches will be held: IR Iran vs. Venezuela and Guatemala vs. France at the Universal Sports Complex in Bukhara, as well as Portugal vs. Panama and Tajikistan vs. Morocco at the Humo Arena.