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Dilshod Rahmatov, the captain of Uzbekistan’s national futsal team, recently gave an interview to the official FIFA website ahead of the FIFA Futsal World Cup Uzbekistan 2024.

FIFA: How did you feel to beat Egypt, snatch Uzbekistan’s first victory in the FIFA Futsal World Cup and qualify the team for the knockout phase for the first time?

Dilshod Rakhmatov: The match against Egypt at the FIFA Futsal World Cup in Lithuania was the most memorable match for me. First of all, we achieved the first World Cup victory in the history of Uzbekistan’s futsal. We were very happy with the result of this game. I remember that we took second place in the group and qualified for the knockout phase due to Anaskhon Rakhmatov’s wonder goal.

Uzbekistan almost pulled off an incredible comeback, the game had 17 goals. What did you think of that unbelievable last-16 encounter with IR Iran at Lithuania 2021?

We’d played against IR Iran a lot in Asian tournaments, but that was our first time in the World Cup. That’s why we treat that match like a final. We conceded nine goals due to our defensive mistakes. At the same time, we exploited their defensive mistakes and scored eight goals. I think we could have won if it had gone to extra-time. Our defeat in such a dramatic game was memorable and painful at the same time.

How excited are the Uzbek people that the FIFA Futsal World Cup is coming to the country?

Attention to futsal is very strong in our country. The World Cup will be filled with a high-energy atmosphere. We are witnessing a significant demand for match tickets, with fans eager to attend the games in person. Our fans are eagerly awaiting the World Cup, showing a high level of interest.

What do you expect the atmosphere to be like during Uzbekistan games at the World Cup?

Our fans enjoy watching the games, and experts will have the opportunity to discover new talent and observe new tactical developments in futsal. Additionally, we follow all the matches closely, learning the nuances of the sport.

How do you think you will feel, having your family and friends in Humo Arena, walking out in the captain’s armband and hearing the national anthem before Uzbekistan play the Netherlands?

Wearing the captain’s armband in the first match against the Netherlands on September 14 is a great responsibility for me personally. We must protect the honour of our country in front of our fans and compatriots. Every player feels proud when the national anthem is played and strives for victory with all their might. This honour will be given to only 14 players in the squad. We must justify the trust of our president, parents, coaches, and compatriots. We must make the most of the opportunities provided to us. That is why we are working hard.

What do you think of Paraguay and Costa Rica?

We respect all of our opponents. My point about Costa Rica and Paraguay is that there is no such thing as an ordinary opponent or a routine match in the World Cup. Only the strongest teams have qualified for the tournament. Our coaches have studied all the teams and analysed their playing styles. We are working on that as well. Both Costa Rica and Paraguay have highly skilled and talented futsal players. It will be a beautiful and intense game against these teams.

What is the target for Uzbekistan at the tournament?

Our main target is to improve upon our result from the previous tournament. As team captain, I believe me and my team-mates can compete for a medal. We can compete against any opponents. Our biggest advantage will be our fans. With their support, we will strive to achieve a good result in the World Cup.

What’s Jose Venancio Lopez like as a coach?

I was very happy when Jose Venancio Lopez was appointed coach of our team. Venancio is a very experienced and demanding coach. Discipline is crucial to success. As a futsal player and future coach, I have a lot to learn from him. The experience we gain from him will contribute to the development of Uzbek futsal in the future. The fact that he is a five-time World Coach of the Year shows his calibre. I believe that with such a coach, we will achieve a good result in the World Cup.

Which Uzbekistan players do you expect to shine brightest at the World Cup?

Every player in our team can play brilliantly. I believe that all my team-mates will do their best for the Uzbekistan national futsal team.