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Today, a commemorative event was held for the members of the “Pakhtakor” team who died as a result of the plane crash on August 11, 1979. The football community, experts, veterans, club management and fans gathered for it. Tulagan Isokov, who played for the team, remembered his former teammates and emphasized that “Pakhtakor” introduced the 

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The head coach of the national team of Uzbekistan U-15, Islam Ismailov, took part in the press conference with the participation of the head coaches of the teams before the “Mirabror Usmanov Memorial Cup-2023”. About the tournament – First of all, I would like to thank Uzbekistan Football Association, which is organizing this tournament. Games 

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On August 11, the opening ceremony of the “Mirabror Usmanov Memorial Cup-2023” will be held. Uzbekistan junior national team will play against UAE in the first match. “Mirabror Usmanov Memorial Cup-2023” 18:30 — Opening ceremony of the competition 19:00 — Uzbekistan – UAE (Bunyodkor Stadium)

Uzbekistan U16 national team started training sessions. Askar Khalmuratov’s team will train in Uzbekistan until August 14. After that, the team will go to Hungary to participate in the international friendly tournament “Telki Cup”. The U16 teams of Hungary, Iceland and Croatia will also take part in this tournament.

Uzbekistan U20 futsal team met with Russia in the first round of the futsal competition of the II CIS Games. II Games CIS Futsal Uzbekistan 3:3 Russia Goals: Abror Akhmetzyanov 4′, Denis Sukhovey 4′, Yakov Sustavov 11′, Fazliddin Botirov 29′, Denis Sukhovey 38′, Ashirbek Tulkinov 39′.