Uzbekistan U-20 national team player Muhammadali Urinboev was recognized as the top scorer of the AFC U-20 Asian Cup held in China. Today, the leadership of the Uzbekistan Football Association (UFA) presented this award to him, emphasizing that the team faces more significant tournaments ahead, particularly the upcoming Olympic qualifiers. They highlighted the importance of
Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, and Kyrgyzstan have submitted a joint bid to host the 2031 AFC Asian Cup. Regarding this, Ravshan Irmatov, the First Vice-President of the Uzbekistan Football Association, answered questions from the football community. — On the possibilities of hosting the AFC Asian Cup: — The AFC Asian Cup is the most prestigious football tournament
The Asian Football Confederation has begun reviewing candidates to host the AFC Asian Cup 2031, the continent’s most prestigious football tournament. In recent years, due to the reforms in football being carried out in Central Asia, the improved conditions, and the growing international reputation, the football associations of Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, and Kyrgyz Republic, confident in
The Prime Minister of the Republic of Uzbekistan, Abdulla Aripov, acknowledged that thanks to the efforts led by President Shavkat Miromonovich Mirziyoyev in developing youth, grassroots, and professional football, improving infrastructure, focusing on coach education, and coordinating the activities of national teams, Uzbek football has been achieving remarkable results on the global stage. He congratulated
Oʻzbekiston futbol assotsiatsiyasi Hakamlar markazi tomonidan Turkiyada bosh va yordamchi hakamlar uchun o‘quv-mashg‘ulot yig‘ini tashkil etilgan. Mashg‘ulotlar davomida bosh hakamlar va yordamchi hakamlar nazariy hamda amaliy mashg‘ulotlarda ishtirok etib, tajribali mutaxassislar – Farhod Abdullayev, Vladislav Seytlin va Baxtiyor Namozov rahbarligida malakalarini oshirmoqdalar. Mazkur yig‘inning asosiy maqsadi – 2025-yilgi Superliga va Oʻzbekiston kubogi uchrashuvlarida hakamlarning yanada