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Today, the second round of the FIFA Futsal World Cup 2024, taking place in our country, kicked off. Thailand and Cuba national teams compete at the “Universal” sports complex in Bukhara. In this game, the Thailand national team emerged victorious with a score of 10:5. With this win, Thailand secured their spot in the Round of 16.

The next game took place at the Humo Arena in Tashkent, featuring the teams from Costa Rica and Netherlands, who are also part of Group A alongside Uzbekistan. This match ended with draw – 2:2.

Another match was held at the “Universal” sports complex in Bukhara between Brazil and Croatia. In this encounter, the Brazilian team dominated, winning decisively with a score of 8:1. Consequently, Brazil, having accumulated 6 points, advanced to the next stage.

Today, the Uzbekistan national team faced Paraguay at the Humo Arena in a tough game. Finally, Paraguay won over Uzbekistan – 4:1. The goals were scored by Husniddin Nishonov (35’) for Uzbekistan, and Jorge Espinoza (16’), Arnaldo Baez (17’), Francisco Martinez (24’), and Javier Salas (26’) for Paraguay.

For information, the Uzbekistan national team will play against Costa Rica on September 20th. This match will start at 20:00 Tashkent time at the Humo Arena.