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Today, for the first time in our country, the 10th FIFA Futsal World Cup kicked off. The tournament, scheduled to take place in Tashkent, Bukhara, and Andijan, began with a match held in the city of Bukhara.

In the opening match, Croatia faced Thailand. In this match, Thailand national futsal team secured a 2-1 victory, earning three points. Additionally, the Brazil national team achieved a commanding 10-0 win over Cuba.

At the “Humo Arena” in Tashkent, Paraguay and Costa Rica, who are in the same group as Uzbekistan, competed against each other. Paraguay emerged victorious with a 5-2 win, claiming the three points.

Under the leadership of head coach José Venancio López, the Uzbekistan national team faced the Netherlands in a tough match following the opening ceremony of the World Cup.

In the first half, the teams finished with a 1-1 draw. In the second half, both teams played with great intensity, each scoring two more goals. The final result was a 3-3 draw. The goals for our team were scored by Elbek Tulkinov (16′), Ikhtiyor Ropiev (36′), and Khusniddin Nishonov (39′).

Our national team’s next match will be held on September 17 against Costa Rica.