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A seminar for referees has started at the “King Plaza” hotel. 25 referees from CAFA member countries are participating in it.

The seminar was opened by Ravshan Irmatov, the Senior Vice-President of the Uzbekistan FA, the chairman of the referees’ committee of CAFA, who noted to the participants that football is rapidly developing after the introduction of modern technologies into football today, which increases the responsibility of referees. Special emphasis was placed on the role of referees in making football more attractive. Therefore, He was said that referees should seriously prepare for the new season, constantly update their knowledge of football rules and foreign languages. It was stated that CAFA is paying serious attention to arbitration and is doing a number of things in the direction of its development.

During the seminar, referees passed a theoretical test and a video test on the rules of the game. The instructors also organized theoretical trainings on the topics of offsides and tactical fouls.

It should be noted that the theoretical and practical training, including the seminar and VAR courses, will continue until January 25.