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The national team of Uzbekistan U-17 held the second friendly match against Uruguay. The match ended in victory for the hosts. Lazizbek Mirzayev scored the goal of our team. 🇺🇾 Uruguay 2:1 Uzbekistan 🇺🇿 Starting XI: Asilbek Numonov MuhammadBobur Karimov Ozodbek Uktamov Lazizbek Mirzayev Amirbek Saidov Behruz Djumatov Shodiyor Shodiboyev Ollabergan Karimov Sherzod Abdulboriyev Oybek 

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The youth team of Uzbekistan began its participation in the Asian Cup with a victory. The team of Ravshan Khaydarov in the first round played with Syria. Our representatives won a convincing victory in an interesting match. 🇺🇿 Uzbekistan 2:0 Syria 🇸🇾 Goals: Abbasbek Fayzullaev 37′, Zakariyo Alramadan 68′ (p).