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In the match Laos-Thailand, which will be held in group “J” of the qualifying stage of the Asian Cup U — 23, will work referees from Uzbekistan. In the game, which will be held in Mongolia, Akhrol Riskullaev will act as the chief referee. Sanjar Shoyusupov has been appointed to this meeting as an assistant 

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The youth national team of Uzbekistan played in the qualifying match of the Asian Cup U-23 against Saudi Arabia. The match ended with a fighting draw. Uzbekistan 2:2 Saudi Arabia Goals: Hamid Abdullah 40′, Otabek Jurakuziev 45′, Abdulmukhsin Alkakhtani 46′, Jasurbek Jaloliddinov (p) 79′.

As previously reported, the qualifying matches of the Asian Cup U-23 in Group D will be held in Uzbekistan. A press conference with the participation of the head coaches of the teams will take place tomorrow at the Pakhtakor stadium before the first round. The press conference is open to all types of media. The 

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