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The first part of the CAFA referees seminar, which was held at the “King Plaza” hotel in Tashkent, has been completed. A total of 25 referees (17 male and 8 female) from member countries participated in the theoretical and practical seminars for referees held on January 21-23.

During the lessons, the participants took part in theoretical and practical training based on FIFA standards and acquired the necessary knowledge and skills from experienced instructors. It is noteworthy that 7 FIFA referees from our country – Firdavs Norsafarov, Asker Nadjafaliev, Akobir Shukurullaev, Rustam Lutfullin, Roziyabonu Yusupova, Gulshoda Saitkulova and Nasibabonu Toshmukhammedova took part in this seminar.

Today, at the closing ceremony of the seminar, the Senior Vice-President of the Uzbekistan FA, the Chairman of the CAFA Referee Committee, Ravshan Irmatov, and the General Secretary of the CAFA, Ulugbek Karimov, handed over certificates to the participants and wished them success in their future activities. By the way, VAR courses will start tomorrow with the participation of referees from member countries.