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As we all know, Uzbekistan has been hosting major continental tournaments in recent years, and in turn, through these international competitions, the skills and qualifications of Uzbek football professionals are growing.

A number of specialists of the Football Association of Uzbekistan have been invited to participate in the Asian Football Confederation delegation at the Asian Cup in Qatar. In particular:

Head of Competitions and Events Department Muhammad Sodik Sadik-Akhunov – Accreditation Coordinator at the main office of the Competition;

Yokubjon Sokhibov, deputy head of the Competition and Events Department, is the manager of marketing issues at the Jassim bin Hamad stadium;

Sanjar Khaydarov, specialist of the Department of Competitions and Events – coordinator of the information and entertainment system in stadiums;

Marketing and media specialist Islom Ruziyev works as an official photographer of AFC.