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The head coach of the national team of Uzbekistan and the club “Huakhin-Jizzak” Bakhodir Akhmedov was awarded the prize “The best coach of the year in futsal.” Under his leadership, the national team of Uzbekistan in futsal for the first time in history left the group stage of the world championship.

🏆 UZ Football Awards ceremony-2021 The strongest (final) trio of candidates for the award “Best Futsal Player” of Uzbekistan: • Davron Choriyev (Uzbekistan National Futsal Team and AGMK / Huaxin-Jizzakh) • Husniddin Nishonov (National Futsal Team of Uzbekistan and AGMK / “Huaxin-Jizzakh”) • Dilshod Rakhmatov (Uzbekistan national futsal team and Huaxin-Jizzakh) The winner of the 

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The path to Asian futsal glory has become clearer for the Continent’s top 16 teams, after the AFC Futsal Championship Turkmenistan 2020 official draw was conducted at Ashgabat’s Olympia Hotel on Friday. The ceremony separated the 16 qualified teams into four groups ahead of next year’s competition, where the best in Asian futsal will compete 

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