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Australia and Uzbekistan have been confirmed as the hosts of the 2026 and 2029 editions of the AFC Women’s Asian Cup™ respectively after the AFC Executive Committee today ratified the AFC Women’s Football Committee’s recommendations at its third meeting held in Bangkok, Thailand, on the eve of the 34th AFC Congress.

In congratulating both MAs, AFC President Shaikh Salman bin Ebrahim Al Khalifa said: “On behalf of the Asian Football Confederation (AFC), I would like to thank the other three initial bidders for the 2026 edition – Jordan, Saudi Arabia and Uzbekistan – for submitting their interests and I offer our sincere congratulations to Football Australia and the Uzbekistan Football Association on being confirmed as hosts of the AFC Women’s Asian Cup™ in 2026 and 2029 respectively.

“The development of the women’s game in Asia has grown immensely in recent years and the launch of the AFC Women’s Champions League™ later this year is a monumental stride forward that will transform the standards of our flagship women’s national team competition in the decades to come.”

Having just co-hosted the best-ever edition of the FIFA Women’s World Cup last year, Australia will host the Continent’s premier women’s national team competition for the second time in history having staged the 2006 edition whilst Uzbekistan will become the first Central Asian nation to organise the tournament.

Shaikh Salman added: “I am confident that we will see a more vibrant and competitive edition in 2026 in Australia where the unrivalled passion for the women’s game is so palpable, setting the perfect stage for Uzbekistan to surpass all expectations in 2029.

“We wish the respective Local Organising Committee of both Member Associations the very best of success in their planning and preparation and I know the Asian football family joins me in reinforcing our confidence in Football Australia and the Uzbekistan Football Association to elevate the ever-evolving stature and growth of women’s football in Asia.”