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Today, on November 3, Uzbekistan U-17 national team played friendly match against the U-17 national team of Mexico and won 2:0. Lazizbek Mirzayev opened the scoring in the 45th minute. In the 76th minute, Muhammadali Reimov increased the difference to two and ensured the victory of our team. Uzbekistan U-17 national team led by Jamoliddin 

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The “CAFA U-17 Championship-2023” was held in Hisar, Tajikistan, in August 21-27 of this year. The national teams of Tajikistan, Uzbekistan, Iran, Afghanistan and the Kyrgyz Republic took part in the competition. The national team of Tajikistan won the tournament, having accumulated 9 points in four games, and the national team of Uzbekistan, with the 

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Uzbekistan U17 team started preparation for the World Cup U-17 and will hold a training camp in Japan. Jamoliddin Rakhmatullayev’s team will take part in the friendly tournament “Hiroshima Youth Soccer Games 2023” with Japan U17 and several local clubs. 8 August Hiroshima U18 – Uzbekistan U17 10 August Sanfreche Hiroshima Youth – Uzbekistan U17 

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