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On September 20-27, the national team of Uzbekistan will hold a training camp in the Republic of Korea. During the training camp, our representatives will play in friendly matches with the national teams of Cameroon and Costa Rica, participants in the 2022 World Cup. Before traveling to Korea, on September 19, a press conference will 

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09/10/2022 Uzbekistan 5:2 Belarus Goals: Lazizbek Mirzaev 33′, Shodiyor Shodiboev 44′, Konstantin Tarnalitsky 65′, Shodiyor Shodiboev 68′, Zikirillo Mukhtorov 85, Timofei Simonenko 87′, Zikirillo Mukhtorov 89′. 09/13/2022 Uzbekistan 1:5 Belarus Goals: Ales Sahonchuk 32′, Artyom Sakaluski 55, ’71’, Timofei Simonenko 60′, 63′, Behruz Shukrullaev 75′. Red Card: Dilshod Abdullayev 40′.